
Nullarbor National Park

Eyre Peninsula

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Where the vast desert landscape meets the dramatic sea cliffs. These turquoise waters of the Great Australian Bite are a natural breeding ground for the southern right whale - you might be lucky enough to spot one on your travels.

Come and explore the world's largest semi-arid karst (cave) landscapes at the Nullarbor National Park and Regional Reserve. Most of the park's landscape is flat except where the surface has collapsed into sinkholes revealing large underground caverns.

Where the vast landscape meets the sea at Bunda Cliffs you can enjoy views spanning the coastline, while in the adjoining Far West Coast Marine Park you may get a chance to spot a southern right whale that comes to the area to breed in winter. The Head of the Bight Visitors Centre at the Eastern edge of the park offers a viewing platform from which to view whales and their calves between May and September.

Camp­ing is pro­hib­it­ed in the Nullar­bor Wilder­ness pro­tec­tion area. This includes Bun­da Cliffs, as the cliff edge is unsta­ble, con­stant­ly col­laps­ing into the ocean.

Oth­er options for camp­ing include the Nullar­bor and Bor­der Vil­lage road­hous­es or the road­side rest stops along the Eyre Highway.
<p>Indigenous owned and operated</p><p>Indigenous themes and/or interpretation</p>


Caravan / Camper Trailer / Campervan Sites / Campsites
'Community' Artwork by Gabriel Stengle


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