
Coorong National Park Campgrounds

Murray River Lakes and Coorong

From $18.00
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There is some­thing for all ages and inter­ests in the Coorong. The seren­i­ty, the sheer diver­si­ty, and the prox­im­i­ty to Ade­laide make it an immense­ly pop­u­lar park. Vis­i­tors come for bird watch­ing, boat­ing, kayak­ing, fish­ing, camp­ing, walk­ing, four-wheel dri­ving and Euro­pean and Ngar­rind­jeri cul­tur­al history.

The Coorong is also a wet­land of inter­na­tion­al impor­tance, sup­port­ing many sig­nif­i­cant and endan­gered flo­ra and fauna.

Expe­ri­ence camp­ing under the night sky along­side salt lagoons and white sandy beach­es at one of the park’s camp­grounds. From the spa­cious, fam­i­ly-friend­ly 42 Mile Cross­ing camp­ground to the seclud­ed camp­sites along the Younghus­band Penin­su­la, which are only acces­si­ble by boat, there are plen­ty of camp­ing options.

Camp­sites must be booked pri­or to arrival to the park.
Book online to reserve your camp­site up to 12 months in advance.
<p>Disabled access available, contact operator for details.</p>

Number of rooms



From $18.00 to $30.00
Camping fees are per site, per night.

'Community' Artwork by Gabriel Stengle


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